BC Cancer Agency Library
The BC Cancer Agency library provides numerous resources that can help you understand prostate cancer and how it is treated. It loans books and videos to the public and can provide an extensive list of useful web sites. Its Pathfinder service is a good place to begin. The library provides numerous books and articles for non-specialists that explain prostate cancer in non-technical language although they are written by cancer specialists. The library is a great starting point on the journey to fully understanding the condition, its treatment and what lies beyond treatment.
Hours: M-F 8:30am – 4:30 pm
Phone : 604-675-8001 Toll free 1-800-675-8001 x 8001
Address: 675 W. 10th Ave., Vancouver V5Z 1L3
email: library@bccancer.bc.ca
Web: http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/our-services/services/library