Updates from Around the PC Information World
1. Does stress worsen prostate cancer? The short answer is uncertain, but what is clear is that we need to reduce it to be safe. Read the article http://cure.pcf.org/site/R?i=Q_gsPcpZ8TokAUZo31jAqw
2. New Patient Education Video on Stress Reduction
BC Cancer Agency, Patient and Family Counselling Services, has developed a patient education video dedicated to cancer patients and their families who are learning to find their “breath” after a cancer diagnosis. This 12 minute video is called “Managing Stress While Living with Cancer”. The video focuses on understanding how stress impacts the body, a guided mindfulness practice and patient experiences of using stress reduction techniques. Two BCCA counsellors in Abbotsford (Dr. Kirk Austin) and Vancouver (Melanie McDonald) showcase their knowledge and experience. This video can be found on the BC Cancer website under Coping with Cancer – Emotional Support – Managing Stress as a part of our Managing Stress Toolbox. Link— Managing
Stress While Dealing with Cancer
3. Meanwhile, Immunotherapy is the new treatment focus in much of research and clinical trials. Here is an interview with 2018 Nobel laureate Jim Allison who discusses unleashing the immune system through immunotherapy…..Watch the video http://cure.pcf.org/site/R?i=z8JTCPgx32jR1YmevKxS2Q